Culture Change
We use one of the most widely used and thoroughly researched organisational surveys in the world (developed by Human Synergistics International) to help organisations understand their current culture and ensure that everyone is moving in the same direction.
The Organisational Culture Inventory (OCI)
The OCI provides a picture of an organisation’s operating culture in terms of the behaviours that members in the organisation believe are expected or implicitly required. By guiding the way in which members approach their work and interact with one another, these “behavioural norms” determine the organisation’s capacity to solve problems, adapt to change, and perform effectively. We have used the OCI in organisations and in large departments to help members understand the behavioural norms driving the culture so that they can make the necessary changes for more productive, high performing work.
The Organisational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI)
Used together, the OCI and OEI generate the most comprehensive feedback available for guiding and monitoring organisational change and development programmes. The inventories, along with the integrated OCI/OEI Feedback Report, provide a detailed picture of the organisation’s culture, the factors leading to and reinforcing that culture, and the outcomes of culture.